Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday's Treasure

 Sometimes when the to-do list keeps on growing, it's a simple treasure just to be able to check one thing off.
When other projects are lengthy and daunting, finishing a smaller one can still give one a sense of accomplishment.
My ring bearer pillow is completed, photographed, and ready to be listed!   Though I did this first one in traditional white, this cotton comes in some beautiful colors and can be customized at no extra charge!
I hope that you've found a nugget of gold in your day today.  Do share!


  1. Aaah, Jennie, I love the fact that this was your wip yesterday, and today it's your thursday treasure!

    This really is such a little beauty!
    All your mum's comments from yesterday are spot on!

    Love it my dear :o)

    Happy happy evening our Jennie

    P.s. My nugget of gold today is being able to pop onto your blog where you share the most delightful awesomeness of your life and work. Thankyou dear Jennie. xx

  2. Great job! It is so pretty!

  3. Totally a keeper...for the bride and groom a treasure worthy of becoming an "heirloom" for generations to come! The bride of the day could customize her ring flower to her wedding colors, to co-ordinate with her bridal bouquet, or just add a pop of color...from fushia to tye dye wild! I wish you well with your innovative creation!! May all you soon to be brides out there "just have to have one"!!! :)

  4. Yes, even a small project brings a grand sense of accomplishment. Agreed. This pillow is so lovely. Clean and elegant.


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