Saturday, June 30, 2012

For The Collection

I hit the vintage playing card jackpot at Goodwill this week!  Altogether 10 decks of cards for about $8.  Go me!
Hallmark poppies double deck

 Three decks of these silver edged ships in one box

This double deck is one of my all-time favorites.  I didn't realize that they went together to make the tandem bike until I set up for this photo!

Love the colors and patterns in these outfits!
These hibiscus cards are from a box that reads "Souvenir of Florida". 
Have you added to any of your collections lately?  Do tell!


  1. Oh my, I LOVE the bicycle deck. It's wonderful!

    I got a few more paint by numbers :o)

  2. These are a great find Jennie!

    I love the poppy ones especially, and the bicycle deck is really cool! I haven't seen any like that!

    And only $8 for the lot too!
    Over here, the cheapest I've ever found any for is about $5 a set.


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