Sunday, June 10, 2012


Mike and I went for an anniversary canoe trip yesterday morning.  It was sunny and hot, and the wildlife greeted us at every turn in the river.  This great blue heron let us get pretty close before he let out an indignant squawk and glided to the another bank.
After a nice nap and a shower, I was ready for part two of the festivities: an awesome dinner at one of my favorite places- Tim's Rivershore Restaurant.  We feasted on fresh crab and shrimp for, well, hours.  Cold beer, a live band, and plenty of lively patrons kept us all entertained.  The highlight for Sophie was getting to wade in the water along the shore and collect hermit crab shells. 
Today it's back to reality- errands and chores.  Here's hoping you have a lovely day!


  1. He looks like a big heron Jennie!

    Sounds like you're having a fantastic weekend Jennie :o)

    Hope you have a fantastic week too lovely lady!


  2. Congratulations on your anniversary!
    Sounds like you all had a wonderful day, and lucky you with the weather - cold and wet here in the Uk as usual!


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