Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thursday's Treasure

Many moons ago, long before I'd ever heard of Etsy (*gasp*), I had myself a little booth in Cedar Run Antique Center in the boonies Catlett, Virginia.  I loved stocking my shelves and fluffing my space.  I'd take Sophie in her stroller and bribe her with goldfish crackers for just a few more minutes of me time.  Though I met many people there that I really liked, somehow time got away from me and I haven't been back to visit in years.
Today was a beautiful sunny day, and in honor of my last full day of freedom for an entire summer, I decided to go for a drive out to the antique center.  It was nice to see the same person working the desk, and to catch up with the comings and goings of other dealers.  I even found a few bargains that I just might put in sosovintage at some point.  These two wooden plaques are from 1972, made in Western Germany by Alfred Mertens Pfullingen. 
It's always a treasure to walk down memory lane and take a peek at another path, isn't it?


  1. It is my dear. :o)

    It's funny how we used to do something a lot and then we just kinda don't have time for it anymore.
    I used to have a little space in an antique/collectable shop, and used to love going there and fluffing my stuff too -this is way before 'vintage' became fashionable though! LOL

    I do like those two sweet little plaques that you found. I like a lot of stuff from West Germany I find!

    Happy evening lovely lady. You try and have a good relax. You're gonna have a great time through summer.... Much better than you anticipate...xxOOxx

  2. Your plaques and your trip down memory lane were fun and that's all well and good but tell me more about "sosofabulous" would ya?!! What's it all about? I know you're fabulous but about your new shop is requested!

  3. Well, what would you like to know, mama? You can see it for yourself at or look on the right hand side of my blog for a sneak peek. It's mainly origami items made from vintage fabric- I'm still getting the hang of listing these things and trying to figure out the best way to take photos and get the word out...

  4. WOW!!! What a talent you are daughter o' mine...but, where ever did you come from? I haven't a shred of your talent...not an iota of your patience to make all those little tiny things, and not even a pinch of your ability to do so many things at one time...I'd go nuts!! I know I birthed you, I can remember that much, but I truly believe you were designed from above and simply dropped in my arms to marvel at your many gifts! Daughter o''re terrific!!!

    PS...Your origami offerings are BEAUTIFUL!!!


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