Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Towel Bounty

Just a small sampling of the vintage towels coming to sosovintage over the next couple of days.  I have *finally* gotten through the tower of towels on the photo couch... now I can replace it with the tower of towels in the laundry room!
Morgan Jones
Each towel is in excellent condition, $10.  As always, if you see one here that you must have, just let me know and I'll list/reserve it just for you :)
psst, Mom- since I lost your hair towel, let me know if you see one you'd like to replace it with.  These all have that ultra-absorbent quality that you don't find in "new" towels.


  1. Thank you for thinking of me cutie! I couldn't take one of your "finds" to simply use on my hair! I have tons of the thin raggy ones I like so I'll just bring another one down....who knows, one of the towels you've listed might be just the "cats' pajamas" to one of your blog followers out there and it'll be snatched up in a nano second!!

  2. You find the most prettiest, nicest things my sweetie.

    OOooo, you take care. xxOOxx

  3. Hi Jennie,

    I was perusing your shop at sosovintage this evening and noticed some jerk left a couple of negative comments. He is being an awful representative of the etsy community and should be removed from the etsy list of sellers. It's obvious he's got a vendetta going against you because he can't make it in his own etsy shop. Is there nothing you can do to have him removed from etsy? He certainly appears as though he's a nut job! Anyone who has ever dealt with you and any of your three shops knows, your are a top notch, honest, and above board seller. Anything I can do or say to have this seller removed, please let me know...too, any endorsement of your service, product, or professionalism I can be of help with, please let me know.

  4. Dear moabrockhound- thank you very much for your support- it means a great deal to me during this most unpleasant time. For now, I am keeping the faith that Etsy will do what is necessary to keep this person from harrassing me further. It's so good to know you've got my back, though!!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I always read them, and I always appreciate them :)