Wednesday, June 27, 2012

WIP Wednesday

 Preparing for today's origami class has been a "work in progress" for me for a couple of weeks off and on.  I wanted to be sure we had plenty of supplies, and that I felt confident with the directions for the projects we were doing. 
Because you need clean, dry hands for folding paper, we did not have snacks during the lesson part of the party.  Just for a little treat, though, I folded little boxes for everyone ahead of time and had Sophie fill them with individually wrapped lifesavers.  She loved passing them out!
I could not have had a more gracious, fun and creative group of women for this event.  I think everyone enjoyed themselves, and learned a couple of useful origami skills in the process.  Every person left with several completed wallets and boxes, as well as a crane favor.  There's even talk of a possible follow up "class" in August!
My work in progress for next week will be a custom order for sosorosey- two large ruffled pot holders.   How about you?  Whatcha got going on in your house these days?


  1. As a beneficiary of today's "origami class" I can officially say it was a wonderful success! We all learned, laughed, and left with skills, self crafted items, and happy memories of a fun filled lesson! Thank You to a great teacher, craftswoman, and DAUGHTER!!! :)

  2. Jennie, this is way cool!!

    I want to come to your fabric origami classes!! This looks brilliant!

    Pleased you all had fun and little Sophie got to join in too :)



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