Saturday, July 7, 2012

Favorite Summer Meal

 My favorite meal of the summer season begins with the classic BLT sandwich.  We sometimes substitute spinach for lettuce.
 Next up- sweet, buttery, lightly salted corn-on-the-cob!
 We've been enjoying Gold Peak unsweetened iced tea with orange and apple mint from the "garden".
And finally, strawberry shortcake for dessert!
These are not actual pictures of my own prepared food, but I did take the time to carefully peruse the offerings of the internet to find ones that look similar.  Thank you, kind photo sharers!  If you click on the photos, you will be taken to their source- most of these have recipes included.
Your turn!  What meal/dish do you tend to make most in the hot weather?


  1. Tomatoes--anything with tomatoes! I am anxiously waiting the arrival of our own straight from the garden.

  2. Except for the strawberry shortcake, you have described three of my all-time-favorite summer treats. My list also includes juicy, cold watermelon, and a delicious summer veggie saute (zucchini, squash, onion, bell pepper, mushroom, corn).

  3. I'm so simple. LOLOL! My all time favorite summer food is hot dogs on the grill.

    I'm a cheap date.


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