Monday, July 2, 2012

Makeover Monday 7/2

 Today's project started with a large ball of mercerized white cotton yarn.
 I added a tiny bit of this beautiful silvery gray cotton.
 And viola- a sweet white face or fingertip cloth!  I'm quite pleased with my picot edging- I wanted something delicate to cap off the project, and this works beautifully.
The 12" by 12" paper from the top photo was made into an origami box.  I left this little gift for my parents as a token of our appreciation of their amazing hospitality and generosity.
Happy Monday to all!  Do you Americans have special plans for Independence Day?


  1. Looks very nice Jennie! I am really loving the box..that paper is gorgeous. thank you... you just gave me a idea for a baby shower gift that I am in need to wrap, didn't know how I wanted to do I do.

  2. Looks like you've got power, Jennie! What a lovely and very thoughtful gift to leave behind. Does your mom crochet? Curious.

  3. This is such a sweet gift jennie!

    I love your little picot edging too :o)

    I know your parents loved it when they opened the box!! :o)

    Hope you had the most fantastic time my lovely lady.

    Love n big hugs,

  4. Hi Victoria! No, Mom doesn't crochet. She plans to take a knitting lesson this winter, though. She's very crafty, but her realm is more in painting and decorating.


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