Sunday, July 15, 2012

Starstruck Sunday

OK.  I've calmed down now.  Guess what????  Disney Studios is currently- right this very minute- filming The Lone Ranger in Moab, Utah!!!  And guess who is starring in it???  JOHNNY DEPP!!!!! 
As we rolled into town on Thursday, we passed a huge group of trucks and tents on the side of the road.  It was clearly a "happening", but we had no idea what was going on.  When I spied a train engine in the middle of the cluster, I realized there was probably some movie filming going on.
A quick check of the old smart phone and sure enough, we found out what movie was in the works!
We've seen a bunch of "star studio" trailers being shuttled up and down the river road, and a bunch of food trailers set up in an area near Castle Valley. 
These three photos were snapped in the staging area close to town.  Mike took us down into the parking lot where there are several coal cars and trains set up on flatbeds ready to head to locations.  These big old wind machines are something you don't see every day, either.
According to news reports, the film is set for release at the end of May, 2013.  It has a $215 million dollar budget, and is directed by Gore Verbinski from The Pirates of the Caribbean 1-3.  Johnny hasn't turned up to hike with us yet, but I have my eyes open!!


  1. How cool is that! I hope you're able to mingle with some stars. :-)

  2. As above! :D

    You keep those peepers peeled!
    Sounds like you're having fun!! :D


  3. lucky girl...I hope you get to see him! Love all his movies!!

  4. Oh yes, keep your eyes peeled Jennie!


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