Thursday, July 5, 2012

Thursday's Treasure

I could not walk away from this deck of cards at the antique store.  Gorgeous jadite green color, precious kitties, rickrack, and a spool of thread?  Worth every penny of the $3 price tag! 
I can't make out the artist's name on this signed double deck, but these are so frame-ready beautiful!  I think I paid $4 for these, and the plastic holder is one I've never seen before.  It's hard to tell from the photo, but the holder tilts in toward the center to showcase the cards.  A clear plastic lid (not pictured) completes the ensemble.
**** This just in!!!  My good friend Karen just sent me a website with tons of info about my card artist!  Apparently these prints are "sugar bun" and "honey bun".  You can read all about this artist here:  Thank you, Karen!!!****
What treasures have you found lately?

1 comment:

  1. Aaaaw, thats so sweet..Honey Bun and Sugar 'Bon'...
    Yay to Karen for finding the website!

    And Yay to you for finding such cute cards! ...Sugar Bon looks like my little Geri :o)

    Those little kitties are just so cute too :D
    Happy evening my jennie :o)


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