Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thursday's Treasure

The other day, I had a customer ask for more of the quilt blocks that I had listed in sosovintage. I knew I HAD more, I just couldn't seem to find them. After looking in all of the usual places, I began searching the more unusual places. Nada. Back to searching the usual places in case I missed them the first time. Zip. As I was wording the message in my head about how sorry I was that I couldn't find them, I turned around and looked all around the "craft room" from another angle. There they were, on top of a box of random goodies that I'd left unpacked because I felt sure I'd need them asap (this was about a year ago). Whew! Mental acuity crisis averted!
The treasure in all of this is not just that I was able to locate the original items, but the other things I re-found in the process. Like these sweet booties! Purchased over a year ago on an antique trip in PA, I couldn't resist the pink and blue felt of these precious baby shoes. I think I'm ready to part with them. Heaven knows I won't be needing them. But what if Sophie has a baby girl one day? Maybe I ought to hang onto them for just a couple more decades...

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like me in the searching from a different angle aspect lol :o)

    These are just so beautiful jennie!
    I don't envy your dilemma in not knowing whether or not to hang onto them!



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