Sunday, August 26, 2012

Craft Challenge 2012

Behold the official Pantone Fall 2012 color palette!  Click on my photo to enlarge, or click HERE to see the Pantone website.
Now, I've never hostessed a craft challenge before, so I want this mainly to be simple and fun.  The challenge is open to anyone and any craft.  Bring your sewing skills, your mixed media collage, your stitchery, your painting or whatever other talent you possess and let's get our craft on!
The challenge is pretty straightforward.  Simply choose two or more of the colors in the Fall 2012 lineup and make something awesome. 
The deadline for entries is three weeks from today- September 16th. That gives you enough time to get creative, but not so much time that you'd put it off. (Not that any of you would do that). Project photos and a little written blurb about your entry (your name, project name, what your project is made of, and any other details you want to share) should be emailed to me by the deadline- the sooner the better. I will then put together a blog post showcasing all of the wonderful creations!
This isn't a challenge that will be voted on or have a winner or anything- it's just an opportunity to be inspired with current trends, connect with fellow craftspeople, and be famous for a day when the projects are featured.  I'll do my best to get lots of traffic to our work, and your help with that will be appreciated.
Please say you'll join me by leaving a comment on this post.  I know I have a couple of crafty readers who don't post comments.  Aunt Irene and Cher, and anyone else who falls into that category, you can still enter by just emailing me to let me know you're in!  The more people we have to participate, the more publicity our little event can create!
If I have left out some important bit of info, or if you just have a question, please post that in the comments here as well. Chances are that if you aren't sure about something, you aren't alone. I can't wait to see what we all come up with :)


  1. Sounds interesting! I am going to think on this for a bit and see what I might do......Love the colors!

  2. Oooo, I'm in, and excited to see what everyone comes up with! :o)

    Now to choose my colours.... :D


  3. Yay for decisive Donna!!

    Yay for Kelli thinking about it!

    Yay for Emily's maybe... though I'd prefer a definite maybe or a probably from you. ;)

  4. Hiya Jen,

    Love reading your blog. Not sure what to make but I’ll think on it.
    Thank you for the shout out. Enjoyed seeing you this week.

  5. Thanks! I passed it along to my mom and daughter too! Hoping they will do something also, family activity!

  6. Great to see you, too, Cher- both in PA and HERE!!!! So happy you're thinking of joining the challenge :)

    Kelli- what a great idea to get the whole family going on it. Maybe I can inspire my mother to join in, too. I'm excited to see what my 6 year old comes up with, too!

  7. Mother would if she could! I don't have any talents which would enable me to join in!! booo hooo, poor me!!!! That's why GOD gave me such a talented daughter, yiiipppeeeee!! :)

  8. We have two more entrants - Aunt Irene (yay!!) and my sister-in-law Liz. So exciting!!

    If you want to enter and are having trouble leaving a comment, it's because blogger is acting up. Just send me an email at and you'll be all "registered".


Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I always read them, and I always appreciate them :)