Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thursday's Treasure

We have done far better with our gardening this summer than last year.  Part of that is because of the awesome planter from Mike that has kept us loaded with basil, mint, rosemary and sage.  Part of it is that we switched from growing regular tomatoes to cherry tomatoes.  And the other part is due to a cool gnome garden growing kit that Sophie received as a gift from her special Michigan peeps.  She has 3 containers with several things growing nicely.  These are her radishes that we harvested last night!
Another nice thing about this week... I finished something else!  Two things in one week!  This mat was such a joy to make- I love these mellow colors and all of the subtle shading.  She turned out to be a healthy 19" in diameter.  Large enough to serve as a table centerpiece or to host a couple of pet bowls on the sun porch.
What are you feeling happy about this week?


  1. Go Sophie!!

    Cute mat...colors remeind me of sherbert!

  2. Gardening not going so well for me here...It's just too darn HOT! The mat is very lovely!

  3. That mat is gorgeous!! Love the way all the colours pop and blend at the same time!

    Yay Go Sophie with your veg! I love radishes!



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