Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thursday's Treasure

 Did you think for even an instant that I made these beautiful things?  If so, you must be a new follower, lol!  No, this adorable cake bunting was handmade by Caroline from Beautiful Thinking UK on etsy.
My one teeny part in this production was packaging up and sending the stunning fabrics that Caroline chose from sosovintage.  Everything else was all her!  She has an incredible eye, doesn't she?
Bunting just somehow kicks every festivity level up about 10 notches!  They are perfect for any occasion, and in my book, buying one or ten is a good enough reason to form an occasion. 
All of these items are for sale in Beautiful Thinking.  Click the banner above to shop the whole store, or click the individual photos above to go directly to those listings.  Warning: Cover your keyboards...Drool Alert!
Looks like the pink bunting has already been scooped up, but I'll bet Caroline would love to make something similar just for you.  Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful thinking with us, Caroline!!


  1. Well I'm not new to your blog Jennie but I did think wow, Jennie is so clever,she's always making something different with her vintage fabrics - so yes I thought it was your handiwork!
    Caroline certainly does have an eye for putting the fabrics together beautifully, they are lovely!
    Gill xx

  2. The bunting does look really pretty - thank you for the link to the shop!

    Pomona x

  3. What a joy it must be to see your upcycled sheets put to very pretty use!

  4. Now, I DID THINK (!!!) that you had made the cake bunting!!

    I thought that you'd use your fabulous 'sofabulous' magic with fabric, and your bakers twine, and made it!!

    Just shows how amazing you are if your blog followers and friends have no doubts it was your work :D

    Caroline makes beautiful things -'specially with sosovintage fabby fabrics :o)

    Happy day lovely lady, sending love and hugs to you.

  5. Hi Jennie,
    Thank you so much for featuring my bunting on your gorgeous blog! And thank you for all the wonderful comments from everyone :) Please come and visit my shop any time.
    Love Caroline xx


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