Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wednesday's Work

Happy Hump Day!  And Happy 49th Birthday to Mike!
These last two weeks have been a blur of work.  And not really the kind that gives me nice pictures to share.  Unless you like to see countless forms and sign up sheets and spreadsheets, that is. 
I am, however, just finishing up a wholesale order of large jute stars.  A big box of these lovelies will be heading to A Piece of Mine in Kenosha, Wisconsin at the end of the week.  Check!
What's been keeping YOU out of trouble lately?


  1. love these stars Jennie - very rustic looking and they feel Xmassy!!
    I'm finishing off some WIPs in preparation for a Xmas Fair, so I can then start on the fun stuff - the new ideas!
    Have a great week Jennie
    Gill xx

  2. Happy 49th Birthday Mike!! :D
    Hope you all have fun celebrating!

    I do love your jute stars. YAY for the wholesale order.

    A little hankie quilt is keeping me out of trouble at the moment...
    (or trying to :o)

    Have a lovely evening my lovelies!

  3. Love those stars!

    I'm busy playing catch up since the bathroom is finally finished! I've been making paper beads for my shop and working on a scarf at the same time.

  4. I'm working on a baby blanket--nearing completion. Hopefully I'll get back to a scarf that's going to be a Christmas gift. Regretting not starting it sooner!


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