Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Gurley Girl

I first became aware of Gurley candles a few years ago, and have always loved their sweet faces.  I've sold a couple in sosovintage, and always keep my eyes open for them when I'm out and about.  I saw several angels in an antique store one year, and am STILL kicking myself for not buying one for myself. 
Imagine my delight when I spied this sweetie inside a hanging bag at the thrift store!  She is one of the originals, and still has her 15 cent paper base attached.  Her wings are the most delicate shade of aqua, and the little squares of silver glitter are swoon-worthy!
This sweet green elf was in the same bag... also a 15 cent guy.
Yep- same bag!!  Choir boy, lamb, and baby Jesus.  These do not have cardboard bases, but they are in excellent condition.
This truly wasn't a very big bag!  But the pilgrim boy and girl were there as well.  I couldn't believe my good fortune.  And because we're all friends here, I know you will appreciate that the price of the bag was $1.99.  And it was 30% off day!!
A very important thrifter lesson- always look for more!  There were no other hanging bags, but I found this taller Indian boy on a shelf...
... alongside his girlfriend.
Scouted the candle aisle before leaving (the others were in "holiday"), and look!  Thirty nine cent Santa still in his shrink wrap!!!  Whoa!!!  One of the best thrifting days ever :)
Interested in learning a bit more about the Gurley Novelty Co.?  Click HERE.  Most of these will be offered in sosovintage in the coming days.  First dibs to blog readers- so if you see something you must have, just let me know.  As long as it isn't the angel... she's mine!


  1. These are wonderful! Thanks for sharing! Makes them even more great that they were made in USA. Nice find.

  2. I really love the little Indian couple. They are so sweet.


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