Monday, October 15, 2012

Makeover Monday: 10/15

A nasty little cold bug has made me over into a sick chick.  I hope to be back to my old self very soon!


  1. You poor baby!!! Anything Mama can do for you? WIsh I was with you...I'd give you chicken noodle soup, hot toddy, fluffy warm blanket, and lots of hugs!

    Hope you're feeling better soon! xooxox Mom

  2. Oh, I am so sorry to hear you are not feeling, soup, hot tea, rest, soup, hot tea....get well soon!

  3. Hey Jennie, I looked like that last week too ;) xx

    As I can't be there with you and Mom, I'm sending you tons of love n hugs to get you better soon my lovely!!

    Thinking of you. xxOOxx


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