Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday's Treasure

The newest thrift store around here (Savers) has a section near the sheets for unused fabric.  I always look but rarely buy, since it's somewhat difficult for me to authenticate age of material.  Unless of course it has a date or is beyond obviously vintage.  And sometimes that happens!
Flocked fabric in excellent condition is so hard to find.  And I now have about 2 yards of each of these.  Wouldn't they make precious baby dresses?
What treasures have you found lately?


  1. I love the dotted swiss! I have fond memories of my mother making dresses for me from it. Great find!

  2. i have found a treasure in keeping up with you on blogger. and fnally working out that even though i can't 'sign in' and comment, and the wifi is very intermittent, i can comment anonymously when the internet does work. :-)

    love your fabric finds my jennie. they are a wonderful find and so pretty.
    will be back next monday/tuesday my lovely.
    love n big hugs to you.

  3. I haven't been thrifting as much as I used to -- especially when my kids were younger and they would accompany me. We always enjoyed those little jaunts out. However, last month I found an old red tin toy ironing board. Had to have it!


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