Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesday's Treat

How precious is this print?  I adore everything about it- the shapes, the colors, the patterns!  I found it while peeking in at my activity feed.  The etsy shop is called The Joy of Color, and the artist, Yael Berger is located in Tel Aviv Israel.  How cool is it that for less than what you'd pay to go out to dinner, you can own art that comes from a world away?  I don't know Yael, and haven't (yet) ordered from her, but her feedback speaks for itself.  I hope you enjoy poking around in this lovely shop as much as I do!


  1. Wow thank you so much Jennie, you are so kind,. I hope you survived Sandy with no harms , I like your shop,as a textile desinger i really love the vintage fabric section. Thank you again , best regards Yael

  2. I love the owl in hearts tree, rooster and anenomes! They are just beautiful :o)

    SO SO PLEASED you've come through well & ok :)



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