Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday's Works

When I'm feeling under the weather, I like to "comfort crochet".  This involves snuggling up in my favorite PJs, under my favorite blankets, watching my favorite shows, and crocheting something purely for pleasure.  This lacy scarf is the result of two evenings of comfort crochet... a gorgeous deep periwinkle blue cotton and all mine!
One of my PTA jobs is *hospitality*.  So, among other things, any time there is a special week, I get to be the person who finds and purchases gifts for the people being recognized.  This week is Custodial Service Employee Week AND School Lunch Week, so I had 11 items to prepare.
I searched high and low to find something nice and special within our budget ($3-$5), and believe me, it wasn't easy.  These pretty red tealight lanterns jumped out at me in Ikea, though. 

I made a personalized note for each, and they look super cute.  The next observance isn't until November, and it is just for one person- our school French teacher.  I've been scouting some cute things on Etsy for her gift ;)
What have you been working on this week?


  1. Well I'm not working on anything as beautiful as your scarf nor the lovely gifts you've prepared but....I had my first ever knitting lesson tonight! If all goes well my dear girl, I shall be making my own scarves and not bugging you over much...tee hee!

  2. Love the lacey scarf Dear Jennie. I like to comfort crochet too :)

    Well, there does seem to be an upside to all you do with the PTA!
    I'd love that searching-for-special-gifts-within-a-budget too!
    (Well as long as i didn't have other things to do! LOL)

    The lanterns and tags are perfect:)

    Have a happy happy day dear Jennie.
    Love n hugs, xxOOxx


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