Saturday, November 24, 2012

Knit Bomb

I'm still wading through photos from the weekend, but I wanted to share this with you tonight!  As we were walking back to our hotel along the streets of downtown Baltimore, Mike and I spied this yarn-bombed bench.  This is the first graffiti of this type that I have ever seen in person, and I must say, I quite enjoyed it.  Have you ever experienced a knit bomb in person?  Participated in one?  If you'd like to know a bit more about this movement, here's a fun article I found on Apartment Therapy.  Hope your weekend has been the bomb so far!  Sorry- couldn't resist!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen any yarn bombing around near where we live, but i do know a lot of it goes on in other places around the country.

    I have had a dream since we lived in this road to yarn bomb each telegraph pole up our road as I know it would crack me up!
    I could just imagine myself sewing each piece of crochet onto each telegraph pole and cackling like a mad person! LOL :D

    Happy Sunday dear Jennie.


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