Sunday, November 18, 2012

Pretty Patchwork

Just look what I spied hanging on a rack at the thrift the other day!  Mind you, this was not even *officially* for sale as the rack was still technically in the employees only section.  But what's an arm's length among friends, right?  Can you guess what it is?  Can you can you can you?


  1. Depends how big/tiny the squares are, but I reckon its a tea cosy :D


  2. The squares are about 3", I believe, though I'm too lazy to go upstairs and measure. A tea cozy would be awesome, Donna. But no. It's a Christmas tree skirt!!!!

  3. What a colourful Christmas tree skirt!
    I never even thought of that one for it LOL,

    I love looking at it though, as it's just so colourful!


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