Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thursday's Treasure

Me time!  Time to make what I want to make, how I want to make it, is a treasure indeed.  So without further ado, meet the lovely and peaceful Miss Kitty Snow Cat:

And her contented beau, Mr. Kitty Snow Cat!

 Now to decide whether to sell them individually, or as a couple.  Opinions?
It's so hard to tell from these photos, but the yarn I used is a white cotton that has a silver sparkle running through it.  I think it will pick up the lights on a Christmas tree and add a bit of magic to the kitties :)


  1. I think you should sell them in pairs. Such a cute couple.

  2. Aaaaw, these are so sweet, and so original Jennie!
    I love her bow :)
    I just made Geri a 'doorstop owl' for Christmas, and it had a pretty side bow too!

    I think pairs would look extra good :)


  3. Very cute. A couple is best I think.



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