Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tuesday's Treat

I found a lovely load of vintage glass ball ornaments at Bee-Thrifty the other day.  Decided to purchase them with the sole purpose of making one of the glass ball ornament wreaths I keep seeing and coveting.  Having never made a wreath of any sort before, I set to work on my google research and found THIS TUTORIAL from the Thrifty Decor Chick.  It offers a how-to with extra tips of what NOT to do, plus it is written in a really funny way.  Bonus! 
So far I have selected my coat hanger, sorted my ornaments and glued on the caps.  I began the "putting on" process and realized I need more ornaments.  Off to the thrift store this afternoon hoping to find more in my color scheme - pink, silver, jadite, and aqua.  Will share whatever I have complete tomorrow on Wednesday's works.
This is the PERFECT time to score fabulous ornies for cheap at the thrifts... all the holiday gear comes out after Halloween.  Want to make one?  Please do, and then either send me photos or blog about your results and let me link up... I would love to see your handiwork!!


  1. Hey thats a fab idea Jennie!
    Can't wait to see what you make!
    Those ornies look beautiful :)


  2. Good Luck I envy your many, as well as, varied talents! You know, whatever you make I love....hint, hint, hint....Santa is coming very soon and from what I heard....is quite a crafty little gem!! :)

  3. I have seen some wreaths made out of Christmas ornaments...It's going to be gorgeous I know, Can't wait to see it finished!


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