Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wednesday's Works

It's been a busy time at the soso world headquarters!  I've been very fortunate to have just the right amount of work to do- plenty to keep me busy, but not so much as to make me crazy.  Er, crazier.
The order for these two baby stars came to me via facebook, and I'm so happy to have reconnected with this customer.  These left for Rhode Island yesterday.
I've been playing around with yarns and hook sizes for the lacy scarf that I love so much.  Finally, I think I have the look and feel I was going for.  I have a horrible time taking scarf photos, but I've got some that will *do*, so I plan to list this soon as a made to order item in sosorosey.
These jute applique flowers are a custom order for a new customer.  I love the way they turned out- I could see a lovely garland of these made with red ribbons as a festive winter "snowflake" decoration.  I'm not sure what the customer plans to do with them, but I'd love to see the end result!
In between these crochet projects, I've been busy helping Sophie with her school timeline project and also trying to keep up with the "birthday month from hell".  NINE family birthdays in one month- and the month before Christmas at that.  Tomorrow is a big day.  Thanksgiving AND my baby turns seven years old.  SEVEN!  We're heading up to PA for a weekend of celebrations, so stay tuned for photos :)
What have you been working on this week?  And for you Americans, how do you plan to spend Thanksgiving this year?


  1. Lordy Jennie. Seven? Time flies so quick!! I remember Sophies last birthday and I wasn't even there! lol.
    When you had her though, what a gorgeous little bundle of early Christmas present you got!! :)

    Love your stars, scarf and jute flowers. Like you I'd love to see what your customer makes of them..
    And YAY for facebook orders!!!

    Hopeyou have a fabulous weekend Jennie. :D

  2. Love the scarf....and the doesn't get any better than a cream color and jute!!

    Bet you're going to have a wonderful holiday!! Birthdays and Thanksgiving....woohoo!!! Bet your Ma's going to make stuffing "just for you" so eat up and be merry!!! :)

  3. Happy Birthday, Sophie! Seven? I can't believe it either!!!

  4. Happy Birthday, Sophie! Seven? I can't believe it either!!!


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