Friday, December 28, 2012

Friday's Favorite Fabric Finds

One last fabric finds post of 2012...*sniff*.  No worries, though- as long as there are people who love these fabrics as much as I do, I'll continue to hunt them down!

I'm partial to #1 and #4 this week, but the pansies are always a hit, too.  The super saturated gold vine/stripe was a neat find- I have had the blue colorway and it's always cool to see the difference that a palette switch makes.
Since this is the last fabric post of the year, I'm wondering- what was your favorite sewing project of 2012?  What did you make that had you drooling over your own work?  Or jumping around at the gorgeousness of a finished project?  I'd love to hear the details in the comments.  Knowing what all of you talented sewing people can do keeps my imagination soaring :)


  1. I just can't choose this week!! I love them all. And they're all really different from each other :)

    I think the best thing I got around to making was the rose quilt for Gemmas best Teaching assistant. And the Christmas rug I have made Geri for Christmas this year. Are we allowed two? lol

    Have a happy weekend dear jennie.

  2. I love the second one! It looks so bright and cheery.
    Haven't sewn enough this year! Trying to sew more next year. Greetings from Germany!

  3. Hello, Steph! Thank you for leaving a comment :)

    Donna- I saw the quilt, now I need to see the rug, please!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I always read them, and I always appreciate them :)