Monday, December 3, 2012

Makeover Monday: 12/3

 The fabric for the second large hanging storage basket has just enough bits of this mauve color to complement the first basket perfectly!
 I really like the way the colors came together in this finished project.
And I really LOVE they way they look together!  They are all tagged up and ready to head off to NYC.
How is your week looking?  Mine?  Exciting!!  I have Sophie's holiday concert to look forward to tomorrow, and I'm selling at a little holiday craft fair on Wednesday night.  Well, I hope to be selling.  And on Friday I have a new refrigerator coming!  Woohooo!  It will be so nice to not have to walk out to the garage every time I need creamer for my coffee.
That's it for today, but come back tomorrow for Tuesday's treat- I have a couple of them :)


  1. Beautiful basket pods Jennie:)

    Do you have snow yet my lovely?
    You have a busy week planned, and YAY! to getting your fridge organised :)


  2. Love the baskets! They are so lovely together! Nice job!

  3. Out of all the baskets you have made, this is by far my favorite!
    Love it!


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