Sunday, December 16, 2012

My Caroler Elf

On Saturday, 12/15, some of the local girl scouts gathered at a local restaurant to sing Christmas carols.  Sophie had never caroled before, and none of the other younger girls from her troop were able to come.  She was a little nervous, but once the "show" started all was well.  There were about 12 girls in all, and the songs were led by one of the troop leaders for the older girls.  They sang about 8 songs, and did a really nice job.  There's something just special about little voices- so pure and sweet and unselfconscious.  There was lots of applause from the restaurant patrons, and smiles all around!


  1. You are so right! There is nothing more special as the sound of little voices! They looked adorable and I know they sounded just great! Please tell Sophie how sweet she looked....especially her lovely smile! Good Work Sophie!!

  2. How cute!! Glad the little ones got to bring smiles to peoples faces this holiday season.

  3. Awwwww - this is cuter than cute!! So glad you shared!

  4. What a lil sweetheart elf :)
    I love hearing christmas carols sung by children.

    I have our school church service to go to tonight where Gary is doing a poetry reading (:)) and all the children will be singing carols there.

    Happy evening Jennie :)



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