Saturday, January 12, 2013

Playing Catch Up

Apologies for not having Friday's Fabrics to share this week.  The whole "Sophie sick" thing set me back in more ways than one.  I am behind in just about every aspect of my life, as a matter of fact.  So, this weekend I will face the mountain of laundry and the other obligations nipping at my heels.  Hoping to be back in the swing of things by Monday. 
I did get to visit a favorite thrift store yesterday, though.  This is just a small sample of the teeny tiny animals I found.  Looking forward to getting the menagerie photographed soon!  Wishing you all a happy and productive weekend!


  1. That little unicorn is so sweet! But they all are really :)

    Pleased that you're catching up with things though :)

    have a happy weekend my dear, and take care.

  2. Understood! Hope Sophie is feeling better and returns to school on Monday--no fun being sick.

    I haven't been feeling so well myself lately... sigh.

  3. Happy to see you fweel well enough to get back to your blog...we all missed you!!!

    Wishing you a good week-end for getting yourself all caught up so that come Monday, you can have a nice, quiet, normal week!!

    Have a nice cup ot tea with a shot of...rum maybe...some lemon and some'll be feeling very relaxed and restful by bedtime!!


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