Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thursday's Treasure

For New Year's Eve, we ventured out to the main square in historic Gettysburg, PA.  The tree was all lit up, as were many of the establishments.
We arrived at the Blue and Gray for dinner around 7 o'clock.  Sophie enjoyed doing some coloring with her Nana.
And some dancing with her Pa.
After we stayed warm inside for as long as possible, we ventured back outside.  By then, music was cranking, bands were getting set up, and vendors were ready to sell funnel cakes, light up hats, hot chocolate, and soul food.  Yep, it's a pretty bad photo, but I thought it was cute that Sophie had a chance to pose with her dad and Lincoln.  I should probably know who the other guy is, but I don't.
I don't know EXACTLY how cold it was, but I can tell you that I was not wearing enough clothes.  We still managed to party through several songs of the first band before heading back to the car.  Sophie made it up until 10 o'clock- her closest to midnight yet!  The adults played Scrabble, watched the ball drop, and then enjoyed the town fireworks... from the kitchen window.  It was a fun and memorable evening for sure. 
How about you?  How did you spend New Year's Eve?


  1. Oh it certainly looks like your family knows how to have a good time! Wish I could have celebrated with you. I went to bed early and curled up with a book--The Hobbit. Yawn.

    Now what I really wanna know is how you and your mom have such beautiful skin! What's your secret?

  2. Aw, thanks, Victoria! For me, I attribute my glowing complexion to subzero temps and Lancome products. My mom is a vitamin afficionado, and a natural beauty :)


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