Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thursday's Treasure

Snow day!!  A teeny tiny dusting- maybe an inch- and school was closed for the day.  Sophie and I enjoyed sleeping in, though, and she got to take a walk in the woods with her dad.
I love the light when all is white outside.  Most of it is gone now, but *they* say more is on the way tomorrow evening.  We shall see!!  How has your winter been so far? 


  1. Your evergreen decorations look so cheery!! With the dusting of snow, it's beautiful!

  2. A nice lay-in and a walk inthe snowy woods sounds good to me :D

    We had our snow last Friday. We've had a couple of light flurries during the week, but I fear that's us 'done n dusted' for this winter :(

    Still, I'm gonna plant up some pots this weekend with Primulas so it starts looking all springy now :D Roll on Spring and the sun LOL :D

    Have a happy weekend my lovely.


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