Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday's Works

Whew! What a busy week it has been. I was so sorry to hear that some of you have been under the weather. Unfortunately, I have to add myself to that list too. I don't have the "itis" as Sophie calls what she had, but I guess I have a cold that really has left me down and out for a couple of days. Here's hoping we are all on the upswing soon!
My stair tread yarn arrived in the mail pretty quickly, and I have been working at those for a couple of days.  Here they are pictured next to the paint colors for the hall/stairwell.  Looking good!
We had a change of fabric for the Easter basket, so it will now be made of these fabrics instead of the ones shown on Monday.  I'm looking forward to starting this project very soon.
I sold a rosey snuggle set the other day, and had a bit of a panic as I needed to remember my pattern!  Fortunately, the old brain is still functioning and I was able to  recall all of the important details.
Add to this mix a little rug and a giant bowl, and I'll be crocheting away for the foreseeable future.  I love it!  What have you been busy with this week? 


  1. Oh Boy, sorry to hear you're not so well. Your crochet projects are beautiful, so I guess you're no worse for the wear!

    Just ordered a cookbook and a crochet book for myself on B&N. Belated resolution: 2013 is going to be what I want to do! Sounds selfish, but I just need a break from all the custom blankets. I felt that I was losing sight of my crocheting for pleasure. Do you know what I mean?

    Hopefully I feel up to blogging again soon with my own projects.

  2. Your stair color with yarn selection is totally perfect!!! I just know your clinet will be bowled over with her idea and your skill...resulting in a one of a kind artistic approach to an awesome, as well as unusual, project!

    Glad you're doing a bit better....take care, keep warm, and eat plenty of cn soup!!

  3. Oh my dear, we hope you get well soon !

    Your customers colours and tread are looking beautiful. I really love that tweedy look, and have beenusing up some of my yarn stash on tweedy owls :)

    That rose is so so pretty (no pun intended!)....maybe some hair pieces/brooches/bag pins are on the way with this as well as for the snuggle set?

    Take care lovely lady!
    Big hugs across the pond xxOOxx



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