Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wednesday's Works

Besides caring for my sick Sophie and filling a few Etsy orders, I haven't been up to too much this past week.  I do, however, have a super exciting new custom order to tell you about!
A lovely customer in Vermont is moving to a new home.  She had a fantastic idea for her new space, and wrote to ask me what I thought.  I was all in from the beginning!
She shared the two paint colors she'll be using for the area in question.  The gray is called Pearl Gray from Sherwin Williams "Suburban Modern Restoration Line".  The yellow is from the same line, called Sunbeam Yellow. 
Below each you can see the yarn colors I found for her.  Gotta give myself props on this one- they look really good with the paint colors, don't you think?  The cotton is Red Heart Creme de la Creme- dark linen and golden yellow.
I am dying to get to work on this, but I had to order the yarn online.  So I am waiting.  Impatiently.
Now, it wouldn't be a Jennie post if I just flat out told you what the project is.  Let the guessing begin!!


  1. Good job on the colors! Clutter keepers?

    By the way, I LOVED your post from yesterday. I totally understood Sophie's writing "her muscles." All that fabric cutting pays off!

  2. Thanks for guessing, gals! No one has the answer yet- hoping to get a couple more tries before I spill it!

  3. I'm guessing bowls ? Or pot holders :)

  4. How about a rug? It would certainly be a lovey addition to the room!! Your color selection is "perfect"! You're the best!!

  5. I'm gonna go with your awesome star and heart decorations!! Such pretties to have 'hanging' around the house :)


    P.s. It's Donna, still no blogger...

  6. Still no one has guessed it- on this post or on Thursday's Treasure comments! Should I spill it or keep you guessing?? Lots of good guesses by the way :)

  7. SPILL IT!!!! :) Enough suspense little lady....out with it!

  8. WOW! Wonder how that works...nail them to the stairs like a stair runner? She MUST send pictures of the finished product!

  9. Lordy jennie, you and your customers think of . the. most. amazing treasures to produce!!

    I'd never have guessed that in a million years!
    Do we get to follow your progress, or is that just for your customer? And, like Ma says, can we see picture in situ ? :D

    Have a lovely day my sweet.
    xxOOxx D


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