Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday's Favorite Fabric Finds

This week's fabrics feature unique patterns and bold colors!  The one on the far left has a blue honeycomb pattern, and the one with the butterfly has blue paisleys scattered throughout.  I figured these were just the ones to post to help us get though this "limbo" time.  It isn't winter and it isn't spring.  We're tired of cold weather and ready for the warmth and change of a new season.  Or is that just me?
This week's treasure post is postponed until this weekend.  Sophie and the other "quality students" from each grade level were honored in a special breakfast this morning.  I need to go through my pictures to see if I got any that are not blurry.  It was a lovely occasion, and really nice of the teachers and staff to do such a nice job of rewarding these kids for their daily efforts.  We could all use more of that, in my opinion!


  1. Your british buddy :)February 22, 2013 at 12:01 PM

    loving these fabrics! Especially the two on the right.. real pretty :)

    Well done Sophie!!! :D
    Looking forward to seeing her breakfast photos :)

    Have a good weekend our jennie.

  2. YEAH for Sophie!! I'm sure she felt very special at that breakfast and rightfully so! Great Job Sophie!! You can always post the awesome picture of Sophie that you gave us a copy of....she looks proud and beautiful holding up her award!!


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