Sunday, February 24, 2013


My photos from the school breakfast event turned out pretty bad.  Too blurry to share, unfortunately.  But, I have another treasure to show you- a story written by Sophie yesterday morning.  She woke up before me and her dad and proceeded to entertain herself by writing this in her sketchbook.
Page 1: The two-balled snowman was very sad because all of the three-balled snowmen were making fun of him for only having two balls. 
Page 2: The sun came out and all of the three balled snowmen melted.  The two balled snowman didn't melt because he was so compact.  I love the karma here, and the speech/thinking bubbles are awesome.  You can click these to read and see the detail.
The moral of the story:  Never make fun of anyone who is different. 
I have a sweetheart with a sweet heart :)


  1. Dear Sophia!

    What a wonderful story! I so loved your story, your drawings, and your snowmen's comments. Most of all though, I love you for coming up with a story so meaningful....the moral of your story is awesome....never make fun of someone just because they're different! You have a beautiful soul and a tender heart! I look forward to reading more wonderful stories from you Sophie!

  2. This is so awesome! Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. so beautiful Sophie!

    you undertand things that many grown ups have never learned!

    keep on being you!

  4. PS...from nanapa....your cursive is fabulous!! I didn't notice it yesterday but upon closer inspection just now I noticed your signature is written in cursive....hooray for you!!


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