Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday's Works

I have been toiling away on my large natural cotton rug, and she is now about a third of the way finished!  In this photo she is 50" by 35".  It is so very hard to determine scale in rug photos, so I added my shoes to the background so that you can better judge the size.  Wish I had thought to do that in the first photos so we could see the difference, but I'll include them from here on out.
When you have to get back so far to capture an entire large rug in a photo, the details get a bit lost.  Fortunately when you are there in person, you can see it in all of its glorious texture and beauty!
This is one of the most soothing projects I have ever done.  Back and forth with a stitch that I love, just thinking and dreaming and creating.  It will no doubt get more difficult as it grows, since it has to be turned over after every row.  So, who needs the gym?  I'll have crochet arms!


  1. Looking good!

    If you can sit on the floor, or can have two chairs next to each other, you can put the rug in the middle, crochet one way, get up, go around to the other side and crochet the other way instead of flipping it over every time, does that make sense?

  2. Better to have 'crochet arms' than 'bingo wings' LOL :D

    She is a beauty and is gonna cost a small fortune to ship!!
    I'm quite envious of your crochet time, as I can imagine once the soothing repeat stitches gets going, you don't want to stop!

    She is a beauty, and the new owner willbe over the moon!!

    Love and big strong hugs heading over the pond my lovely. xxOOxx

  3. Absolutely Beautiful! I look forward to seeing it upon completion....maybe in it's new owners home?! I know she will be very happy with her purchase....and most happy to show her off to all your blog readers!!


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