Sunday, March 17, 2013

Saint Pat's Sunday

There are very few "things" that I love more than vintage greeting cards.  This sweet specimen came to me from my Aunt Irene in Michigan- she knows just exactly what makes me smile!
One thing I'll always love more than anything, though, is Sophie's creations.  The kit for these also came from Aunt Irene.  You can see why we look so forward to our monthly Michigan packages!

Wishing Geri and family a happy, happy birthday celebration.  This Irish prayer is for you, for me, for my friends and family, and for everyone reading this right now!


  1. A lovely post for today! And a very Happy Saint Patrick's Day to you and your babe!!

    Hope you're wearin a wee bit
    o' the green!

  2. Oh Thankyou SO MUCH!!!
    That is just so lovely and I will show her in the morning!!
    I'm really sorry to have missed it on the day my sweet!!

    I love your Auntie Irenes packages too :D


  3. To Jenny,
    Thankyou for your birthday wishes, I had a good day thankyou
    from Geri:)


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