Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday's Treat

As I know you know, life sometimes has a way of putting us on unexpected and sometimes very arduous journeys.  My days are not what they were 6 months ago, and I hope that in the same amount of time they will not be what they are today.  They will be better.  Happier.  I believe that, and I thank you for continuing to follow my sporadic posts of late.  For those of you who have become good friends, thank you for your encouragement and thoughts during this difficult time.  And for all of you who have ever questioned your true beauty, this wonderful new ad by Dove is for you.  Click the photo or HERE to enjoy.


  1. Hi Jennie
    Havent been quite so active in blogland either this year, so I'm sorry that I've missed a few of your posts recently.
    I hope things quickly take a turn for the better for you, and may God give you strength during this difficult time.
    Thinking of you,
    Lots of love
    Gill xx

  2. Thank you for your heartfelt words, Gill- I appreciate your kindness, thoughts and love. xo J

  3. Your post today was wonderful! You have a very special way of writing that warms one's heart and at the same time gently and subtly lets your followers know that your life is a little off kilter just now. And, knowing how faithful your followers are they will appreciate your candid notice and will be around to support you and offer words of love and encouragement....kindness from others is always welcomed and such a comfort to those in need.

  4. Good to see you up and running, Jennie. I know this may sound corny, but I do think about you just about every day and always peek in at your blog. Totally agree with "Mom" post above. Thoughts and prayers always sent your way from here.

  5. Mom, you always know just what to say. Thank you, and I love you.

    Victoria- it's not corny at all, and means a whole lot to me. I'll have to update you soon via email about all that's been happening. I hope you and your family are well, and that your job search is leading you down some promising avenues :0 xoxo

  6. I am sorry whatever is the matter and hope it gets better soon.



Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I always read them, and I always appreciate them :)