Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thursday's Treasure

Awwww.  Look at baby Lyla, all snuggled up in her organic cotton snuggle set.  Big, big thanks to her mommy Mari and photographer Aubrey Stopa for sharing the photos.

There's something about a big baby yawn that is so so sweet.  She looks like a darling little bundle, that's for sure :)
For more information about the talented photographer behind these photos, check out her website HERE and her Facebook page HERE.
If you are here reading this, I give you my biggest thanks for sticking with me during these sparse posting times.  I believe that better days are just ahead, and I look forward to catching back up with you all!


  1. "Awwww" is right! However, I don't miss those early days of no sleep, feedings, and diaper changes.

    Fingers crossed for tomorrow, Jennie. I'll be thinking about you.

  2. So precious! Hope things start looking up soon!

  3. Morning BadAss!! Just keep those shoes walking one step in front of the other and quick as a wink you'll be humming and smiling the whole rest of your days!!

  4. Aaaaw, these are awesome photos dear Jennie, And beautiful work on your part!!

    Of course we'll stick with you!! Too right when you say good times are ahead :D :D They sure are my sweet!



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