Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tuesday's Treat

I'm a list-maker.  Responsible to a fault.  A *get things done* kind of gal.  So, when confronted with closing up one chapter of my life and moving on to the next, I face it with making phone calls and filling out forms and lining up packing supplies and movers.  These are the things that have to be done, right? 
Ah, but there is so much more to be done that doesn't come in the form of a line item that can be checked off.  Things like feeling all the feelings that need to be felt.  Working through all of the emotional upheaval that comes with the end of a relationship.  Moving forward within a legal system that doesn't always move quickly or justly enough.  Trusting others to tend to the details that I cannot.  Mothering a little girl who is well aware that big changes are afoot, and helping her find the positive in each day and each opportunity.  Helping myself find the positive in each day and each opportunity.
The treasure in all of this turmoil is the support I am finding from friends and family, near and far.  People who take time out of their day to send an "I'm thinking about you" message or card.  People who unfailingly send their support in the form of prayers and thoughts.  People who are not afraid that divorce is contagious, and who are not afraid to talk to me even when they don't have a clue what to say.  Or, as in the case of my parents, people who put their own lives completely on hold to be there for me and Sophie through each step of this process.  Yes, *now* kind of sucks, but I am a lucky, lucky girl.


  1. I love you! You have sincerely been a true inspiration to me. You humor and big, kind heart are always most welcome in my world. I wish you nothing but luck and love! <3

  2. Beautifully said. Although life may seem so murky right now, I am certain that you are moving in the right direction. Yes, you are lucky to have so many caring friends and family. You can't always go it alone.

    I'm rootin for ya too! Just think--this time next year, you'll be posting soso concoctions one after the other!

  3. Thank you Kara and Vic!! I appreciate your sweet words tons and tons, and am lucky to call you both friends.

  4. Your Brit gal xxooxxJune 26, 2013 at 2:05 PM

    You lovely sweetheart! We all love you and wish you well every day my lovely.
    You just keep crossing out those lines, n the rest of the things and feelings will follow you right along. Believe me.


  5. jennie- that was so well written. you are an amazing, strong woman and i'm honored to have you as a friend. and eventhough this is a sucky part of your life, it's really just a small hurdle to great, great things for you and sophie. i can't wait to check back here to see how things progress. xoxo j-sis

  6. Jennie, Sorry to hear what you are going through but know that someone from the NW is thinking and praying for you and your girl.

    your friend,
    Modish Vintage

  7. Thinking of you tons my lovely.

    Love n big hugs across the pond.


  8. Good of you to be able to write all you're grateful for during difficult times. I love how blogging can help us do that. Good luck to you with everything that's going on right now.

  9. We are the lucky ones; to have a daughter who is kind, thoughtful, honest, intelligent, beautiful, and caring is just the tip of the iceberg!

    We are the lucky ones; to have a grand daughter who is kind, sweet, gentle, caring, beautiful and intelligent is only the tip of the iceberg!

    The mother/daughter combo we are blessed to be around is heaven on earth! Thanks for being the concoction that is our daughter and grand daughter!! oxox

  10. Thinking of you always our Jennie.

    Sending you tons of hugs and love.


  11. That picture is adorable and so true. I am with you on the making lists things and needing to get stuff done. You have so much love and support around you.


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