Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wednesday's Works

It has been a LOOOOOOOOONG three weeks, my friends!!  I don't know how it got done, but with tons and tons of help I was able to get moved from my house of 10 years in Virginia to the new townhouse in Pennsylvania.  With the stuff that I love, and my best girl by my side.  All of us and all of the stuff mostly {amazingly} still intact. 
While there are still boxes to unpack, an office to set up, and things to hang on the walls, the main living areas are looking great and feeling like home.
Here is the part of the house you see when you walk in the front door.  This was taken when we did our walkthrough on June 30th.

Truckload #1 arrived, followed by truckload #2, followed by a delivery of unassembled Ikea furniture.  Chaos reigned!

Now, one month later, I have a HOME.  A comfortable, lovely, clean, peaceful, happy place!  I'm so grateful to my parents for all of their help- and to many of their friends as well.  Sophie and I are so blessed in our nest!


  1. Bless you all my lovely. :)

    Here's to happy times in your new home my sweet.
    It's looking fabulous too dear Jennie.
    Have a super duper evening. So good to read you on here. You've made my day :)

    Love n humongous hugs across the pond.

  2. Jennie, your home is so beautiful and it looks so *you*! You really know how to arrange a space.

    HUGS to you and Sophie both.

    <3 Kristine

  3. Been thinking of you and wondering where you are about now! So glad to see the update and that things are moving along. Wish you tons of luck in your new nest!

  4. Wow! Amazing job. It's beautiful. Enjoy the new space and the good times there.

  5. Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words, ladies!!! xoxox

  6. Welcome to your new home Jennie and Sophie!
    So impressed with how you've made it homey so quickly, and how wonderful that you had so many kind family members and friends to help.
    Wishing you both every happiness in your new home.
    Sorry so late in wishing you well but had a blogging break - just catching up with you now.
    Love Gill xx


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