Saturday, August 24, 2013

Bright Sunshiny Day

Our outing to Yellow Hill Farm today could not have been more perfect!  The day dawned sunny and warm, and the 20 minute drive was beautiful.  Though we were not the only people with the idea to go berry picking today, there was plenty of room and crops for everyone!

When we arrived we saw rows of berries on our right and rows of flowers on our left!

The colors and sheer beauty of the blooms made me swoon a little.

There were bees and butterflies EVERYWHERE.  They were in heaven!

Being "first time pickers", the very nice owner explained the process to us and gave us our white buckets.  The thornless blackberry bushes were laden with fruit in all stages of ripeness.
The buckets come with a strap so that you can pick with both hands!  Or pick with one and eat with the other.

The raspberries were extra sweet but not as prevalent.  There should be another wave of them ready to pick in a couple of weeks.  We may have to go back!

After we paid our $10 for over 3 pounds of berries, we headed over to the flowers.  For $7 you can pick as many flowers as you can fit in your big Styrofoam cup.  They give you special clippers to borrow- even child-friendly ones for Sophie.  This was about a third of the flowers we ended up bringing home- you can fit a lot in a cup!!!

Here is Sophie's vase for her room.

And the vase for the dining room table.  We also have two little sunflowers in the kitchen and a few cosmos in the downstairs bathroom.
We stopped on the way home for a delicious brunch at Pomona's Bakery, then topped the day off with a couple of lazy hours spent at the pool.  The best Saturday I've had in ages!!!!!  I hope yours was just as great :)


  1. Oh it certainly was a beautiful day. How about this dry weather? I'm lovin' it!

    Looks like you had a wonderful time berry picking. Berries and flowers always brighten the day!

  2. A wonderful day was had by one and all!! Although we all picked the same variety of flowers...yours look much prettier than mine!! I think you just divided yours into more graceful looking bouquets! You're right , it was a spectacular day all the way around...fruit and flowers, handmade lunch at the best bakery/café in the entire area, and then finished off with a lazy afternoon in the days of summer...nothing beats that!

  3. thank you for sharing, your flower photos made me smile. I always spread my flowers throughtout my home. A few in the bedrooms & bathrooms, some in the kitchen, dining room, living room. ahhhh ... one of my favorite things is to have fresh flowers

  4. Jenni, this looks like a fabulous day out my lovely! I'm so pleased you had a great enjoyable time.

    Have a great day today my sweet.


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