Saturday, August 31, 2013

Craft Challenge Time - Pantone Fall Colors 2013!

The colors are here!!!  The Pantone Fall 2013 colors are here!!!  Who is up for another "creation challenge"?   It's easy enough- just choose 3 or more of the colors above and make something.  Anything!  Let's do this!  I think one month until "show off" time is sufficient, don't you? 
If you'd like to participate, leave a comment here.  Entries will be due by the end of September, and all will be showcased here on my blog in a big reveal.  This is not a contest- anyone who participates is a winner.  The more people we have, the more exciting it will be, so please share with your friends and family.  Who's with me???!!!!


  1. I am in! I might even make more than one thing. Who knows? Thanks for setting it up.

  2. Awesome, Kathryn! Make as many things as you'd like- I can't wait to see what you come up with :)

  3. I'll give it a try. I know I have plenty of paper in these colors.

  4. Alas, I'm not up to joining in this one dear sweet jennie, but I'll wait and watch for all the truly wonderful entries :)

    Have a great Sunday my lovely .


  5. So excited to see what you make, Teri! Thanks for joining in :)

    Donna!? I'm crushed! Please say it isn't so! You needn't spend forever on something- any small project will do. I hope you will reconsider!! No pressure ;)

  6. Yes, Karen! Maybe is WAY better than no!!!! Whoop!

  7. I'll be heading back into the work force, so no crafting for me at this time. But I'll be routing you all on! Who knows, maybe it will inspire me to get my craft on once I get settled.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I always read them, and I always appreciate them :)