Friday, August 9, 2013

Sunshine State

We are on a well earned but short family holiday in Florida- where my parents used to live before moving to Gettysburg.  After a 1000 mile car trip, we were so happy to see the beautiful white sand!! 
It always takes some time to get "set up" in vacation routine, doesn't it? Like what time you'll all get up, what we need to bring, where we will go, how we'll organize the day.  I think we made some good progress along those lines today, though. 
We're having an excellent time so far considering that many in our little group are battling injuries, aches and stomach issues.   Here's hoping that everyone feels great tomorrow, and that we have another glorious day in the sun!  Here are a few photos from our trip so far...
That's all for this installment!  I hope to be back with more photos in the next day or so, and a clean bill of health for everyone.  Here's hoping your last days of summer are great ones :)


  1. Oh Jennie, I am so sorry I missed some of these recent, happy posts! My apologies. I have been in interview-mode. Revising and uploading necessary docs on an online application site. I've had two interviews in our district here for the same job! I can't eat. Can't sleep.

    First interview--I blew it. I cried. I got mad and then did something about it. Prepped better. Rehearsed in front of my family, etc. Nailed the second interview! Now I'm just waiting for my rejection letter! That's the way it goes with teaching! At least around here.

    So glad to see you are infusing happiness in your daily life--play dates, trips with loved ones, and color. Gorgeous color. I certainly hope that this is a reflection of your current state of mind and everything stays bright and cheery for you and Sophie. Hugs. Talk soon, Vic

  2. Looks fabulous to me :)

    A lovely family group holiday well deserved I'd say!

    Hoping you all have the most fantabulous time my lovely, and come home refreshed and revitalised!!

    Love n huge hugs my sweet.


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