I found a new and, dare I say, GIGANTIC, thrift store last week- about 20 miles from my home. The first time I went was a sale day- super crowded and picked over. I got the lay of the land and vowed to go back the day before sale day next time.

Towels were the big score of my second trip, which works for me since vintage towels have been selling pretty well of late. This one has the palest pink background behind those luscious pansies.

This is a bath hand towel. I'm pretty sure it has never even been used!

This one is my favorite! I've never seen a towel quite like this one. I hope it finds a special new home where it will be loved :)
All of these goodies and more will be coming to sosovintage in the next few days!
What great finds!!! I'm jealous that you found a gigantic thrift store.
Little jealous over here too! LOL but happy for YOU! Love the towels, especially that last one, the colors and style are really wonderful.
Smiles, Karen
"Gigantic thrift store" I've never even heard of a gigantic one..let alone stepped inside...sigh...a pair of green eyes over here lovely Jennie :0)
My favourite is your favourite too..I've never seen a towel like that either!
have a great weekend Jennie what ever you do. XXXXXXXXXXX
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