Saturday, January 10, 2009

Guilty Pleasures

I admit it. I have a problem. I am unable to NOT purchase vintage pink bath towels. I don't seek them out, mind you. I'm not scouring eBay or rushing out maniacally to every thrift store in town. I just can't leave them behind if I happen upon them.

Their sweet floral patterns and old-fashioned feel remind me of treasured times at Grandma's house. They speak to my oh-so-feminine side, and make me smile from the inside out.

Whatever will I do with them? In my mind, I imagine them brimming from a guest bath closet in a little mountain or beach getaway cottage. For now, they grace a shelf in my home and wink at me with the glint of possibility, spurring me on in my daily endeavors.

I will be featuring more of my own collections, and those of others in the coming weeks. Have a guilty pleasure of your own? Would you like to have one of your collections featured? Please post a comment!


  1. The only thing I collect is beads. And I'm very happy to say that I now have a nice little quantity. I've seen many people with many, many more, but I'm pretty pleased with how many I now have to choose from when it comes to creating some new. :)

    I can definitely see the appeal to those very pretty pink towels. Nice collection!

  2. they are really beautiful. !!
    And I have no idea why they are sideways.....!!!

  3. Weird, sosorosey! I'm sorry I can't help you with the photograph! Half the time I try to upload my photos here, they won't even upload! Blogger is frustrating sometimes!


  4. P.S. Those vintage towels look WICKED soft, yo! I want to rub my face on them right now!


  5. When I visit the thrift store, I'm always coming across crochet or knit blankets, sweaters, and hats. Well, I always buy them. I can't just leave them there knowing someone spent a lot of time making them. Once they're home they are given as freebies to our family members or for us!

  6. You are so funny! I'm the same way about my buttons. You certainly have good taste!

  7. i think i collect collections... i love collections... mostly outside treasures of pretty pebbles, driftwood, and moss... those things and the blue chalk from pool tables... i'm a touch clepto about the pool cue chalk


  8. Hi There!

    I received a blog award recently and it's now my job to pass it to other people I'd like to award. I love your blog and wanted you to know that I'm awarding you. You can pick up your award at my blog.


  9. My guilty pleasure is books :). I think B&N and Borders are making tons of money because of me.... I just keep buying and reading, buying and reading.....


Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I always read them, and I always appreciate them :)