Monday, January 12, 2009


Big thanks to Barbara at southernladysvintage for letting me know that my coconut blues napkin cuffs were on the front page today! At 6 something pm eastern time, this gorgeous treasury (curated by the talented monarchdancer) was chosen by Etsy admin to grace the front page of their website.

The feeling of seeing something you made looking back at you from this special spot is indescribable. For me it is like a combination of standing on the top of Mt. Everest and being handed a winning lottery ticket.

I stare and stare, thinking "Wow, that's me right there! Right there! I MADE that!" Then *poof* the front page changes, and your 30 minutes of fame is over. But thankfully that warm, fuzzy feeling stays and stays. And if it happened once, it can happen again! Woot!


  1. i think i already said it on the thread, but i just love the buttons on those cuffs. so pretty!

    that treasury overall is just stunning, and your cuffs fit in beautifully! congrats.

  2. Oh my stars, how weird! Those napkin cuffs have been sitting in my poster sketch since early this morning! I'm just waiting for the next Treasury opening! HAHA! You have a winning design there! :)

    Congratulations on the front page! Such a great feeling!

  3. Congrats Jennie!! Isn't that a wonderful feeling? Your items are AWESOME!

  4. They ARE gorgeous, and your photos are stunning. It's no wonder you get so many FPs! :D


  5. Hahaha.. cute post. But exactly how I felt when my item was featured too. You could have done a screenshot of it the next time round. And I'm sure there'll be lots of 'NEXT TIME'.

    Keep up the good work ;)

  6. I just want to say a couple of words about your blogspot in's awesome! I love visiting you via your blog because it's just so wonderfully friendly. A wonderful place to spend a bit of time just perusing your posts and admiring your creations! Your writings entice one to come back again and again just to see what you're working on, learn a bit more about you, and before you know've become another of my long-distance friends! You're a very talented and creative artist and one of the best bloggers I've ever had the pleasure of reading! Congratulations on once again being a "front page" etsy artist!!


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