Tuesday, January 20, 2009

You Saw It Here First, Folks!

This idea is so happy to get out of my head! For many months I have been mulling over a way to bring my upcycling to a personal accessory level. With the holidays and a flood of custom orders, this concept had to take a back seat. Here is a sneak peek at an item soon to hit my Etsy shop...can you guess what I have cooked up? Leave a comment with your best guess as to what this used to be, and what it will soon become!


  1. A T-shirt??? Don't have a clue what you will create with it, but I am very anxious to know???

  2. Thank you for the comment, and good guess, aandb! But no...not a t-shirt...

  3. A keychain?

    I can't wait to see all of it! :-)

  4. Nope, not a keychain! Thank you for your comment, Celtic...It won't be long now :)

  5. looks like strips of tshirt, crocheted into...a placemat? a rug (how would you find that much tshirt?)...maybe a scarf, hmmmm?

  6. You're onto something, Julia...how *would* I find that much t-shirt?? And, one of your guesses is right on about what it will be... not telling which one! The drama continues!!!

  7. Hmmm.....I'm guessing a scarf. I'm so excited. :-D

  8. Yes! A scarf!! Go Kristine and Julia!

    But what is it made from?

  9. Yay! A scarf! :-)

    The customer's material?
    Flannel pajamas?
    Linen curtains?

  10. Yay! Kristine is following my blog!

    Sorry, though- not linen, not flannel, not PJs or a curtain...not from a customer either. Keep trying!

  11. I've been an unofficial reader for awhile. I never thought to make it official until just now, hehe. :-)

    Last guess.....cashmere?

  12. I think it USED to be a scarf- and now it's a broach or the adornment on a hairband. :)

  13. Oh, it IS a scarf. See, I didn't read the comments because I didn't want other people's ideas to sway my guessing. Ahahaha.

  14. Nope, not cashmere- that would be something, eh?

    Hi Sarah! That's a good idea you have there- I will put that on the "must try someday" list.

    To be clear, this is going to be a scarf now.

    Still guessing the "origin"...whatcha got gals?

  15. tah-dah!!!! Yes, Jeanene- it is from a 100% cotton jersey knit sheet. I found this awesome rusty marmalade sheet hanging all alone in the store- no partner and no business being on a bed anymore. Got her all freshly laundered and smelling pretty, then started giving her a new purpose in life. I hope to finish my soft and special scarf tonight!!

  16. Definitely a scarf! So I got that much right. But as to material... sorry gals, can't see well enough by now, even with my glasses. But I can't wait to find out.
    Looks so soft!

  17. NOT FAIR! you told what it was without letting us keep guessing. before i scrolled down to the answer i was thinking of those jersey sheets you can buy that are pretty inexpensive...tshirt material and knit, but more fabric! :D

    looking fwd to more pics!

  18. oh, i didn't see that someone else guessed already. :D

    it's 2 am--i really need to go to bed!

  19. Well it looks wonderful. I didn't get a chance to guess but I had a thought on scarf. The softness of the fabric used through me off for a bit but the jersey sounds great. I really like it Jen!!

  20. Julia- you are too funny! I would never dream of ruining a surprise- there are too few in life! I plan to do this again sometime; it was great fun for me too :)

    Thank you Amanda!

  21. Mmmmmmm....was it a blanket; or, will it be a blanket...hummmm! Such fun these games you make for us!! Whatever it becomes, the colors in the fabric are divine!! It's like vintage tea stain, or a a beer on a hot summe day, or a brilliant topaz to dazzle the throat, or even a warm carmel to melt in your mouth...can't wait to see what you whip up with this wonderful color!!


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