Friday, March 13, 2009

Another Inexplicable Obsession: Vera

No, not the waitress from Mel's Diner. That really WOULD be inexplicable, wouldn't it? This Vera is Vera Neumann, the first VERA of design fame, the Amy Butler of the 60s. Much like the vintage pink towels I shared with you in a previous post, I am unable to NOT purchase these old Vera items when I cross their path. I have no idea why. Well, yes I do...they make me happy!

(Read more about VERA by clicking HERE).

Have you ever bought something just because it made you happy?
Leave a comment and share so that I feel a little less crazy :)


  1. a LOT of what i buy is because it makes me happy--there are some beautiful things that i have a really hard time resisting, and if the price is in my reach, why not?

    (my yarn stash is enough to last me for YEARS at the rate i'm knitting/crocheting. but i'm a sucker for gorgeous colors!)

  2. I have to agree with JuliaA, most of whaat I buy is because it makes me happy.... one thing I can think of right away is anything I get from you Jennie.... these are not necessities in my life, they are treats that I purchase for myself that make me feel special!!!

    All things I have gotten from Sosorosey make me smile!!

  3. I never buy things that make me UNhappy. ;) lol But yes, there are things that make me a lot happier than groceries, ahahaha.

    I'd say new beading and jewelry supplies top the list. :) I love to buy things that I love, and then they inspire me with what a create. And I hope that the people who buy my creations are made happy by them, too. :)

  4. As my crowded studio will attest, I have made purchased MANY things just because they make me happy :) I love to see things throughout the day that make me smile!

  5. ... like the teeny tiny silverware next to the button 'plate' on my blogger photo :)

  6. Beautiful print - I can see why you like them so much! Lately I've been buying handmade soap because it makes me happy and makes it so much easier to get up in the morning! But, I suppose, if I thought about it long enough I'd find that I tend to buy too many things just because they make me happy!

  7. I have several Vera tablecloths and some napkins too. I have the jonquil pattern that you are showing here! too! I love Vera!!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I always read them, and I always appreciate them :)