Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I'll Be the Judge of That!

A little ducky told me that Lark Books is holding a special contest in conjunction with the release of the Craft Challenge: Pillowcase book! Not only that, but as a designer for the book, I have been asked to be a judge. Me, a judge!! I'm thrilled to continue to have a part in this awesome publishing adventure. Click on their little mascot icon at the top of this post to get full contest details. Three lucky winners will receive the Craft Challenge: Pillowcase book along with 9 (count 'em...NINE!) more of Lark's newest "indie-wonderful" craft books. What in the world are you waiting for? Grab that pillowcase and get crafting!


  1. Yay! You're a judge! :D Be wise and fair, but pick me! ;) Okay, I'm just joking..... maybe.

    Seriously, though, CONGRATS! I hope you get so much exposure from all of this that you have to fly to New York to be on the Martha Stewart show. :D

  2. Congrats on being chosen as a judge!

    After you end up on the Martha Stewart show, I hope you don't forget about the rest of us. : P

    Seriously, a HUGE congratulations! You deserve it!!

  3. Wow! Congratulations!Your bowls are so lovely! I love that photo of the dreamcatcher!Have fun judging!!

  4. that sounds like a fun contest! and you'll have all sorts of cool things to's always interesting to see other ppl's creative ideas when given a challenge.

  5. Congrats to you. what a wonderful opportunity. have fun!

  6. Thanks all!! Please do enter, or if you aren't into that sort of thing, tell all of your friends who are.

  7. Wishing I new what to do with a pillowcase! But you get on with your bad judgy self :)

  8. You're blog's looking good! Found you on the Etsy forum tonight. :)

  9. oh I am soooo going to enter. Thanks for letting us know and I can not say congrats enough!! you rock!!

  10. Congratulations Jennie... you'll be a great judge! You certainly have an eye for color and design... I'm a big fan of your creations and the way you photograph them! Have fun :)


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